
Dual Fuel Kits

Peace of Mind and Savings for Your Diesel Generator

Does Dual Fuel Conversion Affect the Life of Your Diesel Generator?

In today’s world, where rising fuel costs and stricter environmental regulations are constant concerns, businesses are seeking innovative solutions to optimize their diesel generators. Dual fuel technology offers a compelling answer, but a common question lingers: Does dual fuel conversion impact the lifespan of the diesel engine and other generator components?

The answer is a resounding no, when you choose the right technology and a reputable supplier like CNG Power. In fact, CNG Power’s cutting-edge Dual Fuel Kits for Diesel Generators can actually extend the life of your engine and enhance overall generator performance. Here’s how:

Unveiling the Power of Dual Fuel Technology

Dual fuel conversion essentially equips your diesel generator to operate on a blend of diesel and a cleaner-burning secondary fuel, like Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Piped Natural Gas (PNG), or Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). This technology offers a win-win situation:

  • Reduced Operational Costs: The significant price difference between diesel and these secondary fuels translates to substantial savings on your generator’s running expenses.
  • Environmental Benefits: By displacing a portion of diesel with cleaner-burning gas, you contribute to reducing harmful emissions like NOx, SOx, and particulate matter.

But what about the impact on your engine’s health?

Carburetion vs. Injection: A Tale of Two Technologies

There are two main types of dual fuel kits available:

  • Carburetion-based kits: These are simpler and generally less expensive. However, they can lead to incomplete fuel combustion, resulting in increased carbon deposits within the engine and exhaust system. This buildup can eventually reduce engine efficiency and potentially shorten its lifespan.
  • Injection-based kits: CNG Power exclusively utilizes advanced injection-based technology. This method precisely delivers the secondary fuel directly into the engine’s combustion chamber, ensuring optimal fuel-air mixing and complete combustion. This eliminates the risk of excessive carbon buildup, promoting smoother engine operation and extending its lifespan.

Unveiling CNG Power's Superior Technology

CNG Power takes injection-based technology a step further with our cutting-edge Dual Fuel Kits for Diesel Generators. Here’s what sets us apart:

  • Computerized Control System: A sophisticated control unit continuously monitors engine performance and temperature through a network of sensors. This system dynamically adjusts the fuel mixture in real-time, optimizing engine performance and maintaining exhaust temperatures within safe limits.
  • Advanced Fuel Injection Algorithm: Our system utilizes a sequential fuel gas injection algorithm for precise and real-time gas dosing based on the engine’s specific fuel demand and exhaust temperature. This ensures optimal fuel efficiency and minimizes the risk of engine stress.
  • Auto-calibration and Enhanced Monitoring: The kit features an auto-calibration system for continuous self-adjustment and includes an additional broadband O2 sensor for independent fuel mix monitoring. In total, our kits utilize 9 sensors compared to the 5-6 found in many other kits, providing a more comprehensive picture of engine health and performance.

These advanced features work in synergy to prevent overheating of the engine or the formation of heavy carbon deposits, the leading causes of engine wear and tear. By ensuring cleaner and more efficient combustion, CNG Power’s Dual Fuel Kits contribute to a longer lifespan for your diesel engine and other generator components.

Peace of Mind with Safety and Warranties

Every CNG Power installation is completed by certified technicians and comes with a safety certificate and a comprehensive 2-year unconditional warranty. This demonstrates our commitment to the safety, performance, and longevity of your generator.

Choosing the Right Dual Fuel Kit Supplier

The success of your dual fuel conversion hinges on selecting the right technology and a reliable supplier. Here are some expert tips:

  • Don’t prioritize price over quality: Go for the Best Suppliers of Dual Fuel Kits like CNG Power, that prioritize advanced technology and ensure long-term benefits for your generator.
  • Seek a reputable company. Look for a company with a proven track record and a team of experienced technicians certified in dual fuel conversions.

Focus on comprehensive benefits. Go beyond just cost savings. Consider factors like extended engine life, safety certifications, warranty coverage, and the types of gas the kit supports (compatibility with CNG, PNG, and LPG is ideal).


CNG Power is a leading provider of Dual Fuel Kits for Diesel Generators in Delhi NCR. We offer a free consultation to analyze your specific needs and recommend the most suitable solution for your generator. Contact us today to unlock the power of dual fuel technology and experience the benefits of reduced costs, environmental responsibility, and extended generator life.

Will dual fuel conversion void my generator's warranty?

This is a common concern. CNG Power’s installation process is designed to be non-invasive, meaning it doesn’t alter your generator’s core components or factory settings. We prioritize maintaining your original manufacturer’s warranty. Always double-check with your generator manufacturer for specific details, but in most cases, a properly installed CNG Power Dual Fuel Kit won’t affect your generator’s warranty coverage.

How much can I save on fuel costs?
  • The exact amount you save depends on several factors, including:

    • Current fuel prices: The wider the price gap between diesel and your chosen secondary fuel (CNG, LPG, or PNG), the greater your cost savings.
    • Generator usage: If you run your generator frequently, the potential savings become more substantial.
    • Efficiency of your existing generator: Newer, more efficient generators might see slightly lower savings compared to older models.

    However, many CNG Power customers report significant reductions in operational expenses. To get a more specific estimate, we recommend contacting us for a free consultation. Our team can analyze your generator’s usage patterns and current fuel costs to provide a personalized estimate of your potential savings with a dual fuel conversion.

Is dual fuel conversion safe?

When performed correctly with high-quality equipment and by certified technicians, dual fuel conversion is a safe and reliable solution. At CNG Power, safety is our top priority. Here’s how we ensure safe and reliable dual fuel conversions:

  • Advanced Technology: Our injection-based Dual Fuel Kits utilize sophisticated control systems and multiple sensors to precisely monitor engine performance and adjust fuel mixtures for optimal safety and efficiency.
  • Expert Technicians: Our team consists of highly trained and experienced technicians who adhere to strict safety protocols during the installation process.

Comprehensive Warranties: Every CNG Power installation comes with a safety certificate and a 2-year unconditional warranty, demonstrating our commitment to your generator’s safety and performance.

Can I use any type of gas with a dual fuel kit?

Not all dual fuel kits are compatible with every type of gas. CNG Power’s kits are designed to work seamlessly with readily available and clean-burning fuel sources like CNG, PNG, and LPG. These fuel options offer a good balance of cost-effectiveness, environmental benefits, and compatibility with most generator applications.

If you have any questions about the specific fuel types compatible with our Dual Fuel Kits, feel free to contact our team. We’re happy to discuss your individual needs and recommend the most suitable solution for your generator.

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